Frequently Asked Questions

What is My Windows Marketplace?

My Windows Marketplace is a specialized marketplace for windows and doors, catering to both buyers and sellers. Our platform offers in-stock products, many of which are discounted, making it a go-to destination for window and door needs.

Simply click on the "Sign Up" button on our homepage and follow the registration prompts. You can choose to register as a buyer or a seller, depending on your needs.

All our verified window dealers are required to have a local municipal license, a warehouse, and to be an authorized dealer of a major window manufacturer, ensuring you get top-quality products.

While many of our listings offer discounted prices due to overstock, not all products will be at a reduced rate. It's always a good idea to browse through our listings to find the best deals!

Once you've found a product you like, click on it for more details and follow the prompts to make a purchase. Ensure you check the product specifications and the seller's return policy before buying.

After signing up and creating your storefront, you can start listing your products. Make sure to provide accurate descriptions, specifications, and high-quality images to attract potential buyers.

Always communicate and transact within My Windows Marketplace. Avoid sharing personal information or transacting outside of the platform. If something feels off, please contact our support team.

You can utilize our Request section, which operates on a reverse auction mechanism. List what you need, and potential sellers can make offers to fulfill your request.

While browsing, registration and listings are free, there is a transaction fees for seller after a successful purchase has been completed. Please refer to our "Fees and Charges" section for detailed information.

You can reach our support team by clicking on the "Contact Us" button on our homepage or by emailing